Altern_ators, HDLU, Croatian Association of Artists, Zagreb, 2018.





…here, earth will appear open and from fissures will fly sweet rhizomatic vapours… Where grounds separate, aperiodic patterns will emerge… Images of distant, fractured architectures will assert themselves against an horizon of faraway geologies… The way will seem at first unclear… but listen… voices will speak out and there will be bright shelter and you will not be alone…

Altern_ators is a collaborative composition that generates and performs differences within a gallery context, drawing audiences into relation with them. The mood of Altern_nators is charged with a consciousness of worldly and other-worldly agency and change.

Increasingly, we feel and know that we are living through a moment of rapid technological and environmental change, pervasive wars and intellectual, emotional and political inertia. We live and work in societies and contexts increasingly conditioned by anti-democratic politics, predictive policing algorithms and grotesque technological consumerism, irresponsibility and waste. More than ever, we feel the necessity of art.

Difference Engine IX stages an Altern_ators assembly for the audience of HDLU to encounter, think and become with. We imagine Altern_ators as a context where differences and tensions can be produced, inhabited and explored personally and collectively.


Supported by Culture Ireland